Monday 23 February 2015

Hi Tracy & Ian

I wanted to show you how quick and easy it is to set up a free blog using Blogger. I'm not sure if either of you have blogged before, but I think it may be a good option for you at this time.   This blog took me less than 10 minutes to set up.  Obviously it's not very refined, and of course you'd have yourselves as the authors and be more thoughtful about the layout and images. I just wanted to show you what might be possible and get your creative juices flowing!

Why blog?

Often people decide to do Being The One because they have met you and respond positively to who you are and what you stand for.   That's great, and I'm sure it'll keep happening, but it's not sustainable in the long term.  You won't have the energy for constant networking, and even if you do -you don't want to turn yourselves into salespeople, flogging a course to everyone you meet.

You both have a lot to say and share with the wider world.  Your own words are far more meaningful, intentional and relevant.  Instead of reaching out to people with 'promotions' and 'marketing', why not just be yourselves.  By simply speaking your truth you'll reach people more deeply than by sharing a marketing spiel or a carefully constructed message about the course.  Make your BEINGS available to the wider world through a blog.  Share what you're feeling about your place in the world and your contribution.  Share your highs and lows, your insights and your revelations.  Share your story about emitting, or a reflection on a difficult challenge you've had to overcome.  Write about how elated or exhausted you feel at the end of a BT1 session or after a course is completed.

I don't see this as a place for duplicating Facebook content.  Facebook is great for short snippets and sharing other people's images, words or links.  It's great for promoting events, or updating people on happenings.  If you want to write something longer, share a poem or tell a story, you can instead write it as a blog post and then share it on Facebook.

I'm not suggesting there is no place for marketing and carefully constructed messaging.  For a personal business a blog is simply one tool within a broader marketing strategy.

Stay tuned for more ideas :-)


What would you post here?

You'll see below I have copied & pasted some of your Facebook posts as sample blog posts.  I wouldn't do this in reality - although some of the below content might be blog appropriate.  I just wanted to give you an idea of what your words might look like in a blog.  This is a place for insight and reflection, your words, thoughts and ideas.  I can help you brainstorm what to write about but to be honest I think you'll both naturally pour your own personalities into it.

I'd also suggest guest posts.  This is great place for you to share stories and articles that you might request from people you know.  Perhaps a participant of Being The One could tell a story about how the course had an impact on them.  You could interview past participants or profile people you admire or who are truly authentic.   

A blog is a perfect tool for reaching out to a community and engaging with them.  By writing about events, festivals and people that you've met you're bringing the wider world into your community and giving them a chance to get to know you better. 

Happy New Year!

What a hugely successful and amazing year we've had this year birthing and launching Being The One!!! We are both thrilled at the impact it's had on so many levels and we are so proud to have created a community of conscious, dynamic and unique leaders that are inspiring the world in their own powerful ways. What a thrill and privilege it has been for us to be the facilitators and witnesses to the transformation and celebration of your authentic selves in the world smile emoticon All we can say is WOW.....and THANK YOU 
To celebrate, we are excited to hold our first Christmas Party at the delightful Bar Nancy in Westgarth tonight! Come on down to mingle with the Being The One community plus enjoy some songs, poems and music from ourselves and some of our previous participants smile emoticon
We are having an Open Mic night from 7pm and we welcome guests and friends to share food and rock out with us! Bar Nancy serves delicious dinners, cocktails and beautiful mocktails, and plenty of culinary delights. We hope to see you there for a wonderful evening together smile emoticon
Much love to all of you for your support, love and encouragement of our work this year. Thank you for being YOU and being the beautiful beings that you are!! We look forward to creating a magnificent 2015 and sharing more Being The One love with the world!!!! Happy Solstice and blessings for a peaceful and merry festive season.
With huge love and gratitude, Tracy & Ia

You are not who you think you are

You are not the job title. You are not a labeled societal sub group.

This quote beautifully captures the essence of what Being The One is about. Stripping back the layers over 8 weeks to reveal the magnificent you!! 
Thanks Jason Lehman for finding it.
You are not your personality;
You are not a happy person, a depressed person or an angry person.
You are not a definition of your own qualities.
Who are you?
You are not who your mother says you are.
You are not who your best friend says you are.
You are not your own descriptions of yourself.
Drop all the labels, titles, designations, descriptions, accomplishments and even failures.
Below the labels, beneath the layers, on the most subtle level…
What do you feel?
What is left?
What is there?
Who are you?
If you are not what you do,
If you are not what other say you are,
If you are not a set of descriptions,
Who are you?
Lets move a little deeper.
You are not defined or confined by the limits of your physical body.
You are not your beating your heart, you are not your breath.
You are not your mind, emotions or thoughts.
If you are not all these “things”…
Who are you?
A better question may be not who are you, but what are you?
Take a deep breath into every cell of your being. As you exhale release all the labels, all the descriptors, titles, both other and self created. Bask in this space.
What are you?
Close your eyes and feel your way to it. Don’t define it, don’t put it into words, but feel it completely.
Do you feel a sense of spaciousness, of limitlessness, of infinite potential?
If you are not all or any of these things, if you can not be defined or put into words, but only felt.
What are you?
Remember who, or better yet, what you really are.
Remember your potential, remember your limitless possibility.
Remember that you can not be defined, by self or other.
Remember what you are, where you come from and why you’re here.
Remember your knowingness, your awareness, remember your truth.
What are you?
You are the awareness of all these things.
You are embedded deep within yet extend far beyond.
You are the driving force of all these things.
You are both the wave and the ocean.
You are both the dance and the dancer.
You are both the creator and the container.
You are me as I am you.

Brainstorming the essence of Being The One

Hey Groovers we're doing some brainstorming today on ways to capture the essence of Being The One. It has so many facets, layers and dimensions, which all lead to Being The One.  haha There are many ways to Being The One which is your way? 

Contributions welcome